
The China (Beijing) International Health Service Expo

2025年04月11-13日      北京·首钢国际会展中心


今天是2025年03月13日,距离开幕还有 -154 天





协和润亮叶黄素多肽眼喷/眼膜是由中国 最高医学科研和医学教育机构——中国医学科学院旗下北京协和生物工程研究院出品。




1、叶黄素:有效过滤蓝光,减少视觉伤害,预防近视。 2、视黄醇:维持正常视觉,预防夜盲症,促进胶原蛋白合成,淡化细纹,改善眼周肌 肤晦沉暗哑。 3、依克多因:补水保湿,稳定泪膜,减少眼部疲劳、干涩,防止细胞损伤。 4、小分子肽:除皱抗衰,改善松弛,紧致肌肤,提高视网膜和视神经的健康状态 5、透明质酸:滋润双眸,缓解干涩,湿润保湿,促进角膜、结膜损伤愈合。 6、海泉水:法国玫瑰海岸海泉水,补充眼内、眼外听需的天然活性微量元素。 7、赤藓糖醇:可以防止眼内蛋白变性,预防白内障并起到良好的保湿作用



The Beijing Concordia Biological Engineering Research Institute, a subsidiary of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, is the highest medical research and medical education institution in China.

Beijing Union Bio's R&L Eye Care Family is dedicated to building a benchmark for eye care programs in China. The goal of the program is to help everyone develop the habit of taking care of their eyes on a daily basis. Focus on eye health problems, to be the solution and provider of eye health product care solutions!

At present, there are 2 categories of products on line, 6 sku. one spray, one paste, targeted solutions to under-eye and eye skin problems. Open up a new way of eye care!

The product has seven core ingredients

1, lutein: effective filtration of blue light, reduce visual damage and prevent myopia.

2, retinol: maintain normal vision, prevent night blindness. Promote collagen synthesis, lighten fine lines. Improve the skin around the eyes dull and dull.

3、Ecodoin: hydrate and moisturize, stabilize tear film. Reduce eye fatigue, dryness and prevent cell damage.

4、Small molecule peptide: anti-wrinkle and anti-aging, improve sagging, tighten the skin. Improve the health status of retina and optic nerve

5、Hyaluronic acid:Nourish the eyes and relieve dryness. Moistening and moisturizing, promoting the healing of corneal and conjunctival damage.

6, sea water: France Rose Coast sea water. Replenish the natural active trace elements needed for intraocular and extraocular hearing.

 7, Erythritol: can prevent intraocular protein degeneration. Prevent cataract and play a good moisturizing effect

Cost-effective, just over a hundred dollars a month to improve vision. Easy to use, children can use it by themselves! Highly contagious, one spray and one patch, to achieve the purpose of eye care!

Concord brand, old, trustworthy and owned!



