
The China (Beijing) International Health Service Expo

2025年04月11-13日      北京·首钢国际会展中心


今天是2025年03月13日,距离开幕还有 -154 天





兆和医疗精密仪器(深圳)有限公司依托亚洲光学集团及日本研发中心,汇集业界顶尖专家研发团队,以严谨诚信的态度、专业科学的方法,守护家人健康的热忱,持续发展创新的核心技术,致力于心脑血管疾病的预防筛查研究。并以自身拥有的顶尖技术及专业诚信的科学态度做为先驱,追求卓越的社会贡献。 让社会上更多的人远离心脑血管疾病的威胁,造福民众! 目前国内已经有多家三甲医院与兆和医疗展开全面合作,围绕国家大健康产业政策方向,为健康大数据,慢病管理,未病预防,精准医疗等各个方向提供依据和支持!兆和医疗,守护健康守护爱!


Daiwa Healthcare Limited is your guardian in health, “WE CARE YOUR HEALTH AND WE CARE YOU”. We develop our healthcare products in honest and stringent attitude, and provide the products which you can trust with our professional and innovative technology in healthcare industry.

We believed in the concept of preventive medicine and apply it in daily life, we will keep on developing medical devices with our unique patented medical technology, such as our star product PASESA, we own its patented technology from Japan, with PASESA you can monitoring your level of cardiovascular sclerosis and blood pressure automatically and accurately in a minute, PASESA is the one and only medical device which can measure the level of cardiovascular sclerosis and do it at home. 

Particular to the patients with atherosclerosis and derived diseases, such as stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, hypertension, which will achieve the real-time warning and let the patients take immediate action for prevention. Which make sure the patients with hyperglycemia, hypertension and high cholesterol can get the proper treatment in time. 

With the bundled mobile app, all data from PASESA can be easy linked with you and your family mobile device, which can track and monitor your health level. PASESA guardian of your family health 24 hours a day, make sure you and your family can enjoy the quality of life in a healthy way.



