北京健博会:中国(北京)国际大健康产业博览会China (Beijing) International Health Service Expo ,是创展于2011年的一场国际型大健康行业盛会,每年定期在中国北京举办,属行业例会。为了利于大会在国内外的品牌树立,中英文缩写为:China-DJK北京健博会。自创展至今,十余年的发展,成功的举办了九届,超过6000家来自170余国家的企业参展,集中展示的健康行业品类达20余万款,吸引着近两百个国家的50万人次的买家莅临参观贸易,累计成交规模已超过千亿元。是立足于首都,效应辐射世界大健康市场的国际盛会,为企业发展提供持续的源动力。是企业开拓市场、扩大销售、所造品牌、提升竞争力的平台,有力的促进国内外大健康产业的融合,丰富我国大健康消费市场,为亿万健康需求者提供更多的康复机会。
展望2023:2023第十届中国(北京)国际大健康产业博览会The 2023 tenth China (Beijing) International Health Service Expo(China-DJK北京健博会),将于2023年08月28-30日,在北京亦创国际会展中心再次盛大举办。此次大会规划展览面积55000平方米,可搭建超2000+标准展位;届时,来自国内外的1100家参展商齐亮相,集中展示:营养健康、生活健康、睡眠健康、中医药、生物医药、医疗器械、老年用品、慢病管理、康复辅具、视力健康、特殊食品、产后健康、智慧健康、医美健康等大健康产品、科技和相关服务。丰富的展品,吸引来自190余国家的70000人次买家莅临参观贸易,现场的有效交易将达到200亿元以上,是本年度我国展品丰富、买家活跃、成交量高的必参盛会。 ——The 10th China (Beijing) International Health Industry Expo (China-DJK Beijing Health Expo) will be held again in Beijing Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center on August 28-30, 2023. The planned exhibition area of the conference is 55000 square meters, and more than 2000 standard booths can be built; At that time, 1100 exhibitors from home and abroad will appear together, focusing on the following major health products, technologies and related services: nutritional health, life health, sleep health, traditional Chinese medicine, biological medicine, medical equipment, elderly products, chronic disease management, rehabilitation aids, vision health, special food, post-natal health, intelligent health, medical and aesthetic health. The rich exhibits attract 70000 buyers from more than 190 countries to visit and trade, and the effective transaction on the spot will reach more than 20 billion yuan. It is a must-see event with rich exhibits, active buyers and high turnover in China this year.